Accessing advanced settings
Formulair some advanced settings so you can tailor your experience of the app. To access these settings:
iPhone & iPad: Navigate to the home screen of your device (exit the Formulair app). Enter the settings app and scroll down to and tap on 'Formulair'.
In the Formulair app, press cmd
+ ,
or click
'Formulair' then 'Preferences' on the menu bar at the top of the screen
and the settings window will open.
Available settings
The 3 settings are as follows:
- Filetype to share as: Here you can select which filetype is generated when using share (iOS) or export (OS X). The default is PDF, but you can also select Markdown (MD), which is good for note taking software or a Tab-Seperated Variable file (TSV) which is good for exporting to spreadsheet software.
- Use custom colours: iOS (iPhone & iPad) Only. Replaces the Formulair colour picker with Apple's iOS colour picker, allowing you to select your own colours for raw material categories. Warning: These colours are not dynamic like the colours from the Formulair colour pallete and so will not vary depending on if you set your device to light / dark mode.
- Hide materials usage: This option will scramble the raw materials usage table on raw material cards with random formula entries. This option exists to help maintain formula privacy in a public setting.
Importing raw materials
Formulair now supports importing your raw materials library from a CSV file as an experimental feature. Warning:
This feature is not covered by our technical support. Please follow the instructions below carefully back up any existing data first (using the export options).
To access this option, go to the tray icon at the top of the raw materials library and select the import from CSV option. You will be asked to select a CSV file. You must make sure your CSV file is in the correct format:
- Column headings: The first line of your CSV file is ignored by Formulair. You can use this for column headings.
- Columns: The columns in your CSV file must be in the following order: Name (text), CAS (text), Supplier (text), Category (text), Inventory amount (text), Cost per gram (number), IFRA limit (number), Longevity (Integer from 0; top note to 4; base note), description (text). You may add any number of additional columns at the end. These will all be appended to the description field.
Very important:
Remove commas,
double quotes"
and carriage returns↵
: You must remove all commas and double quotes. This can be done in excel using the find and replace tool. You could replace commas with semi colons and double quotes with single quotes for example. You must also ensure there are no multiline text fields / carriage returns. If you skip this step the CSV file will not be imported correctly. Incorrect entries must be deleted individually inside Formulair so test small chunks at a time if you're unsure about a large import file.- Export as CSV: Export the file as a CSV.
Since this import process cannot be undone, we recommend you test the import with a small CSV (for example the first 5 lines) so that you can inspect the results before importing your full data. If you are unhappy with the results, you will have to delete the imported raw materials manually.
You can download our example CSV by clicking here. It's recommended that you test the feature using this first.